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Z-Wave.Me RaZberry2 Z-Wave modul Raspberry Pi-hez

Ár: 14.893 Ft+Áfa (Br. 18.914 Ft)
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A Z-Wave.Me RaZberry2 Z-Wave modul segítségével egy Raspberry Piből Z-Wave gateway készíthető.
Használható hozzá a Z-Way operációs rendszer, de a Home Assistant is támogatja közvetlenül.


The RaZberry is a tiny daughter card that sits on top of the Raspberry PI GPIO connector not blocking the USB boards. It is powered by the Raspberry PI board with 3.3 V and communicates using UART TTL signals (RX/TX). RaZberry is compatible with all models of Raspberry Pi.

The daughter card hosts a Sigma Designs ZM5101 Z-Wave transceiver module (a so called 5th generation Z-Wave module), an external 32 K SPI flash for network data and a PCBA antenna. Additionally two LEDs are used to indicate certain status of the Z-Wave controller chip. Beside the PCBA antenna there is an option to solder a U.FL connector for external SMA antenna.

The power consumption of the board is typically 18 mA at 3.3 V but can peak up to 40 mA when the chip is transmitting.

RaZberry supports Z-Wave Security S2 and Smart Start technologies.

Compared to the standard firmware design used by almost all Z-Wave transceiver hardware, the RaZberry Shield firmware offers several extensions and enhancements:

  • Backup and recovery function including network topology
  • Optimised transmitting queue handling to speed up transmitting process
  • Firmware update from the OS level in the field
  • Trusted Platform module applying strong encryption
  • Extended Wakeup Notification to extend battery life time of battery-operated devices in the network
  • Advanced statistics about network actual usage
  • Allows switching frequencies from software

RaZberry comes with Z-Way software, but it is also compatible with all third party software that uses Z-Wave Serial API. There are firmwares for static controller (for Z-Way and most of third party software) or bridge (for Z/IP).